Economic Development Center

The RAEDI Economic Development Center (EDC) is a one-stop center intended to accelerate the economic growth for the Rochester area and streamline the collaboration between the partners and diverse non-profits who serve the entrepreneurial community. The partnerships and co-location will help with the referral process, increase access to business and startup services, and increase communication and accessibility between the different providers in the EDC.

Organizations providing services in the EDC include the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), Collider, Black Entrepreneurship Team, African Development Hub, Score, and RAEDI.

Rochester Area Economic Development, Inc.

Incorporated in 1985, Rochester Area Economic Development, Inc. (RAEDI) is a public/private partnership for economic development that serves the four-county MSA of Olmsted, Dodge, Wabasha, and Fillmore. RAEDI’s mission is to lead and support economic, community, and workforce development initiatives that grow and diversify the greater Rochester area economy. Some of the services provided include financial packaging, business planning, site/location support, and business/community advocacy. For more information, visit or email Tawonda Burks at

Southeast Minnesota Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

The SBDC offers at no cost, confidential consulting to help businesses in eleven SE Minnesota counties identify, understand, and overcome the challenges of starting a business, running a successful business, and developing exit strategies. The SBDC does not lend money to small businesses; however, SBDC works with the business owners and financial institutions to prepare documentation that lenders require for business loans. SBDC is funded by the SBA, DEED, and regional economic development partners. For more information, visit them at or

Minority Owned Business Network

The Minority Owned Business Network serves the needs of the minority entrepreneurial community and guide business owners through the many barriers minorities experience . Those barriers include access to funding, resources, education and experienced entrepreneurs.  For more information, contact Tawonda Burks at


Collider activates, connects, and empowers Rochester’s early-stage entrepreneurs and small businesses with 1:1 ecosystem navigation, education, space, and storytelling to help foster an inclusive, diverse, and healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem. For more information, visit them at or email at

Southeast Minnesota SCORE

Southeast Minnesota SCORE offers FREE business mentoring, low-cost or no-cost business training, and numerous templates and tools to help you start or grow a business.  For more information, visit them at

Thank You EDC Sponsors

RAEDI Economic Development Center
221 First Avenue SW, Suite 600 • Rochester, Minnesota  55902
Located on the 6th floor of the Minnesota BioBusiness Center