RAEDI works with many investors and partnerships in Rochester, Minnesota and surrounding communities.
Investors and Partners

How will your business benefit from RAEDI’s work and your investment?
The Rochester area’s strong economy and exceptional standard of living doesn’t happen on its own. It is accomplished through a bold vision, engaged leaders, and area-wide collaboration and commitment. With your support, RAEDI can continue to amplify the process of strengthening, growing, and diversifying our area economy by partnering to increase our skilled workforce, assist with job and tax base creation, and create capital investments.
RAEDI will achieve this by assisting existing companies with expansions and new business opportunities, recruit new business development, and support the entrepreneurial community.
RAEDI is a vehicle by which business, healthcare, education, civic and community leaders, local government, partner organizations, and community members come together to create and sustain a vibrant community where people choose to live, work, and invest.
RAEDI investors enjoy the fullest range of participation and influence in guiding the activities of the organization by attending events, serving on the RAEDI Board of Directors, or participating in industry specific committees.
No one business or organization can do it all, yet all benefit from a collaborative effort. We look forward to having you join as a RAEDI investor!